We understand. Before you first get a massage, it can seem a little intimidating. There is the whole “undressing” question. And then the “to tip or not tip” question.
Have no fear! We are here to give you some answers to those and a few more to set you at ease before you even walk through the door!
Ok, So I Made My Appointment. What Should I Expect When I Arrive For The First Visit?
First, please try to arrive at least 15 minutes PRIOR to your appointment time. This will give someone on our staff a chance to greet you and have you complete some North Carolina required paperwork. This paperwork will cover basic things such as health history, current health status, and what type of issue (if any) brought you in for your visit. It will also give us written consent to perform the therapeutic massage. If there is any delay, it may cut into your actual “hands-on” time.
Soon after you are finished with the paperwork, we will be ready to take you back to the dedicated space for your massage!
When I First Go Back To The Massage Area With My Therapist, What Should I Expect?
First, the therapist will complete an interview with you. You will spend a few minutes reviewing the forms you filled out, discuss any medical conditions, find out the expectations you have and what you are looking for in a massage to include how you would like to feel after the massage.
Next, the therapist will explain what will take place during the massage.
Then, the therapist will leave the room for a moment so that you can undress to your level of comfort, get situated on the massage table, and covered up with the sheet.
Now I Am Back In The Massage Room And My Therapist Asks That I “Undress To My Level Of Comfort.” What Exactly Does That Mean?
Here is the thing. If you aren’t comfortable and relatively relaxed during your session, we know that we won’t be able to provide you with the best treatment experience. Part of that is your level of comfort undressing. So it is always your choice.
You can choose to dress down fully.
You can choose to leave on your undergarments.
You can choose to only undress the top half if there is a focus on a top area only – like shoulders.
No matter what you choose, you will always remain fully draped except for the part of the body that is being worked on per North Carolina State law.
Ultimately, we want to make you as comfortable as possible during your time with us.
Alright. I Am In And Undressed To My Level Of Comfort. What Should I Expect To Take Place During My Massage?
In short, the therapist will be massaging various areas of your body using specific techniques in a specific order. If at any time during the massage something hurts, tell them. If you would like more or less pressure, tell them that as well. They truly want to ensure that your experience is a good one.
Also, some aren’t into chatting during their treatments, and others like to chew the cud. Again, that is totally up to you. Just be sure to communicate that with your therapist.
Getting Ready To Check Out Post-Massage. Should I Be Tipping My Massage Therapist?
Our massage therapists are paid a flat rate per massage. Much like with other service providers, tips are never taken for granted and always appreciated.
If you have received exceptional service and would like to show your appreciation to the therapist, feel free to leave them a tip. (Average tip ranges between 10-25%) If paying with a credit card or check, the tip can be added to the total. The therapist will receive 100% of their tip, less required taxes.
If your session is being paid with your HSA or FSA then you may not include a tip. This is due to healthcare laws.
We hope that was helpful in clearing up some of the questions you may have had! Got more? Don’t hesitate to reach out because we are more than happy to help!